
Bumblebees Class

Welcome to Bumblebees!


We are a Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Class and are taught by Mrs Martin. We also have some wonderful teaching assistants: Belinda, Mrs Matthews and Mr Chudley. 
For even more information about our learning, make sure that you check our facebook page too.
Here you will find some useful links. Your child has a login details for each of these websites in their reading records. 
We are lucky enough to have 2 rooms: 1 room is where the Reception Children do most of their learning, and the other for the Year 1s and 2s. 
Below you will find their timetables:
Here is the two Year Rolling programme for the Year 1 & 2 children:
A HUGE welcome to our wonderful new reception children. Here they are on their very first day at school engaging in role play, fine motor activities, physical development balancing skills and so much more!
We have kicked off the school year with a fantastic writing unit called The Story of Pirate Tom.
At Yeoford, we strongly believe in immersing the children in our English texts to really promote a love for storytelling, writing and reading. Therefore, the children became Pirates today - just like Pirate Tom! 
As part of our DT work, Mrs Martin asked us why cylinders are usually used as legs for a chair. We used this as a stimulus for investigating which shape held the most amount of books: a cylinder, a triangular prism or a cuboid. 
We couldn't believe how many books could balance on top of a cylinder!
We will then use this work to help inform the planning process for making a stronger chair for Baby Bear. Watch this space...  
In Science, the Bumblebees have been learning about plants. We now know the job of the roots, stem, leaves and flower and have made these lovely 3D labelled plant pictures.
The Little Bumbles have been learning about how the seasons change. Today, after going on an Autumn colour hunt, they decorated these conkers in Autumn colours. 
We loved making our chairs in DT! The children showed the most fantastic teamwork and all of the groups managed to create a chair that would hold a toy.
Did you know that core strength is so important for supporting a good writing position? The little Bumbles have been bouncing, jumping and climbing to really work their core!
We love using resources to support our understanding of number. The Big Bumbles are getting so good at partitioning numbers using the numicon and are now learning how to use this to support addition and subtraction. 
Our wonderful reception children have been learning about the different stages of baking. They had a great time making these delicious, spooky brownies! 
We have amazing grounds at Yeoford and we love using them to support our learning. Today, we have been looking at the difference between Wild Plants and plants that the Garden Club very kindly put there. 
We have loved learning about how children's games have changed over time. Today, we looked at life pre the 'computer game' and played some board games! Buckaroo & Gooey Louis certainly had the room in fits of laughter! 
In Art, we have been learning about colour mixing. Today, we watered down some of the primary colours and mixed them by moving them around in a tray. The created some lovely pieces of art!
Pur new English text is called 'The Papaya that spoke'. Today, Mrs Martin brought some in for us to try. We tasted it on its own and then made Papaya and Pineapple smoothies. Yum!
We have been learning about speech sentences in English. Mrs Martin showed us how to use speech marks by using Macaroni. We had loads of fun making sure that they were in the correct place.