
About the PTA


The Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA) consists of volunteer parents, teachers and friends of the school who help with organising special social and fundraising events for the whole school and community.  The main objective of the PTFA is to raise funds through a wide range of activities to help the school to pay for items that the school budget doesn't cover. Without this vital support, the school's budget would become overstretched to the disadvantage of the education of your children.

At the core of the PTFA is a committee which meets once a term and any parents, carers or teachers are welcome to come along to contribute and help plan events.  There are four elected members of the committee two Co-chairs, Secretary and Treasurer. These are key roles as they liaise with school staff and oversee school events throughout the year. 

The PTFA Committee is currently made up of the following members of our school community:

Our PTFA works hard to raise funds for vital resources to better the children's learning and school experience and promote cooperative partnerships between the school and parents.  If you are able to offer help in any way to any event, please get in touch via our ‘Yeoford PTFA’ Facebook page or email us at


Please see below calendar of PTFA fundraising events for 2024: