
Information for Parents Summary

Dear parent/carers,


I hope the following information helps and avoids any confusion:


Drop off and pick-up:


The school site partially opens at 8am for those that have signed up for breakfast club or 8.30am Early Morning Drop-off. If your child isn’t attending the breakfast clubs, they will need to be dropped off at school between 8:45am – 8:55am. Register is taken at 9am and any arrivals after this will be marked as late. Arriving promptly allows the children to start their day smoothly. The children then need to be collected from school at 3:30pm unless they are using the after-school club provision; children attending after-school club need to be collected by 5:30pm.


Toys from home:


This week, I have seen several children coming to school with toys from home. This is something that may have been required in order to encourage them back to school after a long break and particularly as they move into new classes. However, our agreed rule at Yeoford Primary is that children don’t bring any toys from home into school. Toys get lost or broken and this often causes unnecessary squabbles and upset. If your child has a particular item for comfort that has been agreed with the teacher or is listed on their EHCP then that is permitted.


Food and drink:


We believe strongly in the importance of eating healthily which is why we ask that you send you children with healthy snacks only. Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are provided with a fruit or veg snack at break times. If you would like to send your child in with extra fruit or veg to keep themselves full of energy then please feel free. 


Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are not provided with any fruit or veg but we would welcome them bringing some from home.


Please can all children bring a labelled refillable drinks bottle so they can drink throughout the day. In order to support the things we learn about keeping healthy, alongside advice from the NHS, we would ask that your children bring just water in these bottles. If absolutely necessary, a very weak squash is acceptable.


Free school meals are provided for all of the children in Reception, Year 1 and 2. There are a range of choices including hot meals and picnic lunches which can be found on parent pay. We would encourage all children to take up this option, but you are welcome to send in a packed-lunch if your child would prefer.


Hot meals are also available to the rest of the children at a cost of £2.60 which can also be paid for via ParentPay.


In order to reduce food waste, we ask that all meals are ordered via ParentPay at least a week in advance, but in an emergency, we can provide something for your child should they require a lunch.




The Great British weather is even more unpredictable than ever so we would ask that your children bring a coat into school everyday so we can get out and about no matter what. Please can you also continue to apply sun cream on warm days.  


Our school uniform:


  • School embroidered sweatshirt/cardigan or plain royal blue jumper/cardigan.
  • Grey or black trousers/shorts/pinafore dress/skirt.
  • White or royal blue polo shirt.
  • White, grey or black socks or tights. Black shoes or boots.

In the summer, royal blue and white checked school dresses may be worn.


PE uniform is:

Children currently arrive in their P.E. kit on their allocated P.E. days.

The basic P.E. kit is a school embroidered royal blue T-shirt and plain black sports shorts or leggings & trainers.

In the winter you may wish to add plain black jogging bottoms, a plain royal blue fleece, hat and gloves.

In the summer we recommend adding a sun hat.


 We would also strongly suggest, for the purposes of hygiene and to avoid distraction in the class, that hair which is long enough to be tied back, is done so. Preferably in a plaits.


Please could all items of school uniform be clearly labelled with your child’s name, so that lost property can be returned to its owner. 

We also request that, for health and safety reasons, rings, necklaces and earrings should not be worn to school.


Embroidered School Uniform can be bought from Mole Avon in Crediton.

Yeoford PTA also sell new & quality second-hand uniform items and can be contacted via their Facebook page or by emailing:

Please do let us know if there are any other barriers getting in the way of your being able to comply with our uniform code.


Please note, we have high expectations around uniform and both anticipate and appreciate your support with this.


The following are the days on which your children’s classes are participating in their PE lessons. Please can they come into school on these days in their PE uniform:


Bumblebees: Tuesday and Thursday

Foxes: Wednesday and Thursday       

Owls: Wednesday and Thursday




Please note, the majority of general communications will be in the school newsletter and often supplemented by emails, so please do read the fortnightly newsletter if you want to stay in the loop! This will be sent out via eSchools as both a ‘Sway’ and PDF document  and posted on the school website as well as Facebook. Equally, any important dates will also feature on our website on the school calendar.


One of the positives about a small, community primary school is that the staff easy to locate and speak to! However, If you would like to make contact with any member of staff during the school day or out of hours it is our policy that you don’t email staff directly and that all communications go via the office; please do this by emailing the school office: or calling us on 01363 84234.


Thank you for you support and cooperation in providing a safe and happy place for your children to learn.


Any questions, please do get in touch.



Chris Martin – Academy Head

Yeoford Community Primary School

Link Academy Trust