
OWL Class School closure homework

Good morning Owls, 
A very wet and windy day today.
With the school being closed today, we thought you may wish to spend some of your time completing some tasks. 
You could:
      Make a plan of your final write for English. Consider what animal you are going to choose and develop your story as we have done altogether in class. I have attached our shared write so you can remind yourself of our story. You could watch some Tinga Tales to remind yourself of the idea behind the text. 
      Head to BBC Bitesize for some revision of our maths units. Yesterday, we worked on BODMAS. What is the order of operations? - BBC Bitesize Follow the guide to revise and try out the quiz. 
The order of operations is the rule that tells you which bit of a calculation to do first. Find out more in this Bitesize Primary KS2 Maths guide.
      Try some Jo wicks routines to keep your energy up throughout the day. Thursdays would normally be PE day with the fabulous Mr Luxa. You could follow along with Jo today instead.  Active 8 Minute Workout Featuring Izzy | The Body Coach TV - YouTube
This is another great 8 minute workout, suitable for all ages. 8 exercises | 35 seconds work | 25 seconds rest Run on the spot Running punches Front kicks Crab kicks Squats Press ups Lateral lunges Walkout touch your toe
     Create a poster with information about climate change. This will link to our upcoming unit in Geography. 
Most importantly, stay safe and have a great day. 
Mr Richards
The Link Academy