
Our Academy

Yeoford Primary School was opened in 1878. It is still housed in the original, attractive building, which has been considerably modified in recent years, including interactive whiteboards in all classrooms. We enjoy a good range of resources, including our own football pitch, netball court and children's kitchen. The children also have their own allotments and achieve great success and enjoyment growing vegetables and then cooking them.

The organisation of the school varies with the number of pupils, and the distribution of ages throughout the school. At present we have three classes. Each class contains children from more than one year group, and teachers are very aware of the special requirements of mixed-age classes. Lessons are carefully planned to ensure that work is not repeated by pupils who stay in a class for more than one year, and all children are given tasks of an appropriate level. During lessons, you will see children working in a variety of ways. They may be taught as a whole class, in groups, or be working as individuals as appropriate.

Our skilled Classroom Assistants support classroom teaching, and help children with special educational needs.

Our school grounds and environment are beautiful and the whole school community comes together for our Grounds Day. We utilise our outside environment to provide hands-on learning experiences, including ‘forest schools’ activities and take part with sporting tournaments and activities within the local area.