
School day

The school day is organised as follows:

8.45am   - School gates open and pupils can arrive
8.55am - School gates closed
8.55am   - Registration - arrival after this time will result in a L 'late' registration mark
9.00am - Morning lessons begin 

10:45 - 11am  - Morning break 

12:00 - 1.00pm - Lunch break 

1:00pm - Afternoon lessons begin
2:30pm - 2.45pm - Afternoon break for KS1 children only

3:30pm - School ends 
Arriving and going home

The school is not legally responsible for children until 8.45am, therefore unless you have made specific arrangements with the school, please ensure your children do not arrive before 8.45 am. If your child is going to be absent due to illness, please ring the office before 9.10am and leave a message.

We have a regular Breakfast Club facility on arrangement - please see the clubs section for further information.

Occasionally, arrival times may be varied by individual teachers for attendance on school trips, but notification of these activities will be given in advance.

The same 10-minute rule applies at the end of the day. Staff cannot be expected to look after pupils remaining on the premises after 3.40 pm. In an emergency, please phone the office on 01363 84234 and speak to a member of staff or leave a message. After-school club is available until 5.30pm and requires prior booking unless their is a family emergency.

Mid morning break is from 10.45am-11am. Children in Key stage 1 receive a free piece of fruit. Children under 5 are also offered a free glass of milk. All children in Key stage 2 are encouraged to bring in a healthy fruit or veg snack for breaktime.

Lunchtimes run from 12noon-1.00pm. School dinners are available and must be paid by booking on ParentPay.  Please ensure bookings and payments are made by Thursday evening for the following week.