
Parent letter 02.09.22

Dear All, 

 We are really looking forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 5th September. Below are a few reminders for the children and for those of you who are joining us for the first time: 

 The school site opens between 8.45am and 8.55am and we take the registers at 9am. Arriving promptly allows the children to start their day smoothly. The children then need to be collected at 3:30. 

 All of the children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are provided with a fruit or veg snack at break times. If they would like to bring extra fruit or veg to keep themselves full of energy, then please feel free.  

 Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are not provided with any fruit or veg but we would welcome them bringing some from home. 

 Please can all children bring a labelled bottle so they can drink and top up throughout the day. In order to support our learning about keeping healthy, alongside advice from the NHS, we would ask that your children bring just water in these bottles. 

 Free school meals are provided for all of the children in Reception, Year 1 and 2. There are a range of choices including hot meals and picnic lunches which can be selected on parent pay. We would encourage all children to take up this option, but you are welcome to send in a pack lunch of your child would prefer. 

 Hot meals are also available to the rest of the children at a cost of £2.40 which can also be paid for via parent pay. 

 All meals need to be ordered via parent pay, by midnight the day before required, to give the kitchen enough time to order the correct quantities. 

 Breakfast and afterschool clubs need to be booked on parent pay by the Tuesday the week before they are needed. Please speak to Mrs Maynard if you would like to pay with tax-free or childcare vouchers schemes. 

 The Great British weather is even more unpredictable than ever so we would ask that your children bring a coat into school every day so we can get out and about no matter what. Please can you also continue to apply sun cream on warm days.   

 Our school uniform is: white or royal blue polo shirts; grey or black skirts, shorts, pinafores or trousers; royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans; white, grey or black socks and tights plus sturdy footwear suitable for breaktime fun in the playground. 

 PE uniform is: Yeoford School Logo’d T-shirt, black leggings, shorts or sports jogging bottoms. 

 Logo’d PE T-shirts & sweatshirts are available from Mole Avon in Crediton and we have a limited supply here in the school office. 

 The PTA have a quality second-hand uniform sales stall and can be contacted on

 Please remember to clearly label all of your child/rens items! 

 Thursdays & Fridays are the days your children will be participating in PE lessons. Please could they come into school on these days in their PE uniform. 

 This year I will be working across both Yeoford and Cheriton Bishop schools and will endeavour to spend time at both sites each day.  

Whilst I am not on site, as senior teacher, Gemma Martin will take on the responsibilities for the smooth running of the school and therefore there will always be a direct point of contact on site. If you have any questions, then please ask Mrs Maynard in the school office or pop in to speak to us at the start or end of the day. 

 One of the positives about a small, community primary school is that the staff are easy to locate and speak to! However, if you would like to make contact with any member of staff during the school day or out of hours then please do this by emailing the school office: or by calling us on 01363 84234. 

 Kind regards, 

 Robin Scott 

 Executive Academy Head 

Yeoford Primary School